Single Image Submission

Single Image – Images that stand out on their own and have the power to synthesize an event, a story, or an idea.

Each submission in the Single Image category allows you to submit 1 to 3 images, which will be evaluated separately. Only 1 image will be selected per submission. The selected image will be published on the festival’s website along with a title and description provided by the photographer. If no title is provided, the curators will assign one.


– Resize images to a maximum width/height of 1920 pixels and save in JPEG format.

– You may include a portrait of yourself in JPEG format if you wish to display it on your profile.

– By submitting to the FotoDoc Photo Contest, you agree to the terms outlined in the Rules.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS – via Wetransfer, Google Drive, or Dropbox

If preferred, you may submit your entry via Wetransfer or share via Google Drive or Dropbox. Please follow the instructions below. Submissions without a properly completed form will be discarded.

1. Download the submission form by clicking this link or the button on the right and fill in the requested information using a text editing application. Submissions without a completed form will be discarded.

2. Send the completed form as a text file along with your images via Wetransfer or share via Google Drive or Dropbox to the email