The geometry of the waves
Towns by the sea may seem idyllic, but the truth is that they have always been a land of constant...
Read moreDetailsMy maternal grandfather had a grocery store in the village. My paternal grandfather did everything between Murcia and Mallorca and my grandmothers worked their butts off sewing clothes and coping with constant worries. My parents had to emigrate to Catalonia and ended up having a bar where the whole family worked. I, perhaps, should have stayed with the bar but I chose the path of light. There were those who told me it would be difficult and hard, but no one in my family has had it easy, why should I be any less?
The years of study helped me to know about technique, methodology and to understand that photography is a trade. The teachers advised me to specialize in fashion to earn a living, but I was always more of a fan of being outdoors. Under the clouds and the sun is where I learned to listen to the intuition that guides me to bring my eyes and heart together, I left patience and brain for the editing table. In everything else I continue learning.
There were sad years, of disappointments, of silence, and it seemed that photography was always somewhere else than where I was looking. I gritted my teeth and continued with the camera in my hand. There began to be exhibitions, catalogues, interviews, awards and the occasional book, without being sure yet that I had found myself. The joy was great, but everything has a dark side that is difficult to deal with. Although the body is already accustomed to falling, the soul knows how to get up and my eyes no longer care to look where there is apparently nothing.
It seems that everything was in an instant.
Towns by the sea may seem idyllic, but the truth is that they have always been a land of constant...
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